TWO friends whose 90mph car race killed a young rugby player have been jailed for what a judge has branded indescribable stupidity.
Murray McAllan, left, and Sean Goodfellow, right, were both jailed for four-and-a-half years for their part in the accident that killed their teammate and friend Richard Wilkinson, above
Sean Goodfellow and Murray McAllan, both 19, engaged in their high-speed race on a narrow twisting road which ended in death near Eckford.
Teenage rugby star Richard Wilkinson from Newmill on Slitrig, near Hawick, was a front seat passenger in Goodfellow's Peugeot 306 GTI when Goodfellow lost control while returning from a rugby tournament in Kelso in April last year.
England V Scotland Hospitality
Scotland V England Hospitality
The car rolled into a field and the 17-year-old Hawick Wanderers stand-off was killed when a piece of wood pierced the windscreen, inflicting a massive head injury.
The pair had their race on the A698 Kelso to Jedburgh road, on stretches which were narrow and views were blocked by high hedges.
At the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday Goodfellow, of Myreslaw Green, Hawick, and McAllan, of Bonchester Bridge, were each jailed for four-and-a-half years and banned from the roads for 12 months.
He said: "I make it absolutely clear this court fully appreciates no sentence passed is capable of undoing the harm done, nor of alleviating the grief caused. Neither is it a measure of the extent of the loss caused to the family."
In a statement the Wilkinson family said: "We cannot begin to put into words the loss we feel or the irreplaceable hole that this has left in our lives. The outcome of the sentence bears no relation to the sentence we have already endured and will continue to endure for the rest of our lives.
"If there could be one positive thing to come from losing Richard we can only wish that young drivers learn from the devastating consequences of speeding and driving dangerously, and the resultant loss of young lives."
Their words were echoed by Inspector Fraser Jarvis of the road policing department of Lothian and Borders Police.
He said: "The death of Richard Wilkinson was as tragic as it was avoidable and it is imperative that motorists, particularly young motorists, learn from this to avoid similar tragedies themselves."
England V Scotland Hospitality